Friday, September 25, 2009

Maternity Henna

I love this design, absolutely love it! Often I sit around somewhere (like my daughter's Taekwondo class) with my sketchbook and doodle henna designs. It's such a wonderful creative outlet and a great stress reliever as well. I had just as much fun doing the design in henna as I did drawing the doodle :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Henna Party at DragonCon

Once again I did not manage to get pics of all the designs, but here is a good sampling. This is a wonderful group of people and I am so happy that they wanted me to do a henna party for them!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dance Studio Henna Party

I didn't get pictures of all the henna that I did, but here are the three that I did snap! This was a great party to celebrate the opening of a new bellydance studio and there were lots of wonderful ladies. Another henna artist did some beautiful henna on my hand but I wasn't able to get a picture. (Hi Aarti!!)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Older Henna Pictures

Peacock design that symbolizes all 4 elements surrounding the beauty of the spirit.

Pretty hand with vines and swoopies! I love swoopies. It's fun to say too...

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Crown's the Thing

Before going off to have tons of adventures at Pennsic, this gentleman needed a crown of sorts. A distinguished type of decoration for a distinguished fellow. I loved doing the celtic inspired interlacing!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fandom Henna

Star Wars, Star Trek, Sci-fi, Fantasy and Anime - I love them all! I have this huge list of designs that I want to do in henna. So far the symbols I've done most often - the Rebel symbol from Star Wars and the Thundercats symbol.
If you're in the Athens area on Aug. 29th, come to Tyche's Games and get awesome henna! From 1-4 pm.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Birthday Henna

I decorated my hand to celebrate my birthday! My birthdays always seem to be rushed while I'm preparing for the convention season in September. It was nice to take some time to pamper myself and it was so relaxing.

Swirly Henna

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New designs

There are a couple of design series that I'm enjoying working on right now. The first was inspired by a lady who asked for a triskelion with flowers around it. I doodled up several for her to choose from and this is the one she decided on. Then I became obsessed with the central design and framing flowers and continued to doodle tons more ideas!

The other new design series is Elven! Inspired by Lord of the Rings, they are elvish themed and radically different from the traditional henna designs that I've been doing. I can't wait to try them out!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Beginning!

Currently under construction.

Sometime soon this blog will have interesting photos of henna designs.

Plus notes about all the fun henna can be!

And even a schedule of events I will be doing henna at.

Oooohhh. Ahhhhhh. Sweet!