Thursday, March 18, 2010

Japanese Inspiration

Based on traditional Japanese patterns.
An original design centered on Kanji, again inspired by Japanese art.

Cute tofu aliens and hearts with the kanji for Tofu.

Fire and Water Nation symbols from Avatar.

Air and Earth Nation symbols from Avatar.

Candle with Japanese flowers and water motif

Asian - type dragon.

Japanese flower motif with Kanji

Festival Henna

I attended a lot of festivals last year and did an incredible amount of henna art! Above are some the pictures from various festivals. Winter is not a very good time of year for henna - people are understandably reluctant to bare parts of the body to the cold weather for long enough to dry the henna. But it will soon be spring and I am so excited! I can't wait to start doing tons of henna again!

Flowery Henna

More examples of my two favorite henna subjects, flowers and peacocks!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Maternity Henna

I love this design, absolutely love it! Often I sit around somewhere (like my daughter's Taekwondo class) with my sketchbook and doodle henna designs. It's such a wonderful creative outlet and a great stress reliever as well. I had just as much fun doing the design in henna as I did drawing the doodle :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Henna Party at DragonCon

Once again I did not manage to get pics of all the designs, but here is a good sampling. This is a wonderful group of people and I am so happy that they wanted me to do a henna party for them!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dance Studio Henna Party

I didn't get pictures of all the henna that I did, but here are the three that I did snap! This was a great party to celebrate the opening of a new bellydance studio and there were lots of wonderful ladies. Another henna artist did some beautiful henna on my hand but I wasn't able to get a picture. (Hi Aarti!!)